Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hong Kong here we come!

Greetings. In a little over 24 hours the road gang of our production of "1984" will be embarking to Hong Kong to participate in their International Theater Festival. We will be posting as often as time and energy allows, complete with photos. Traveling on this journey will be Keythe, Brian, P. Adam, Kaili, Toni, VJ, Steve, Erica, Dave, Sibyl, Bosco,Victoria, Joel and Greg. We are all eagerly awaiting the 15 hour flight to alter our mindset and prepare us (temporarily destroy us?) for the experience to come. Bon Voyage to us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woohoo! i'm the very first comment on the actors' gang blog! i'm so excited for you guys. and, i miss you all. eat some dim sum for me... xoxoxoxoxoxo