Friday, March 2, 2007

Friday, In the Groove

Friday's show went fantastically, everyone continues to shine. Some folks went to Kowloon for shopping earlier today. By the way, many went to see the "Big Buddha" yesterday. Hopefully someone will blog their experience on that, google it if ya wanna know more for the moment. I'm (David) prodding others to step up and give some more interesting input on this blog than I've been able to so far, as I'm a bit tapped out at the moment, though I imagine me like others will have an easier time, if they're so inclined, to write something after travel is finished and there's time to reflect. For now check out the photos we've posted, there's usually more every day. Alright, it's 1 in the morning on Saturday, 9am Friday LA time, I'm going to bed, good night!
(good morning!)

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