Wednesday, June 25, 2008

1984 @ Redcat! Down With Big Brother!

Hi everybody! It's the intern again, reporting to say we're finished with our first successful week of 1984 @ the Redcat Theatre. Only 2 more weeks left, so get you're tickets while you can.

Working on this show has been quite the experience. The first day in the space a rag-tag team of actors and myself were able to erect the entire set in only a few hours (under Mia's careful tutelage). We were like Gremlins, but opposite. That's right, Snilmergs.

And the theater, located right under the Disney Concert Hall, is an incredible space. The lobby ain't half bad either, complete with a bar which usually has one or two actors hunched over it before each show. JK. While I'm working backstage with the lovely Annetta (a designer with the Gang hailing from Germany, who's also crewing the show) Intern numero dos, or uno, depending on which one of us you ask, anyway his name is Will, is in the back of the house running the sound for the show. I don't want to spoil the magic of theatre for you too much, so I'll just say that the show is a terrific ensemble piece with just the right amount of technical magic and spectacle (provided in part by yours truly).

Another perk to the show is that if you catch it on the right night, you'll get to experience a talk-back from the actors and possibly a guest speaker. Probably the most insightful was
John Dean, a man who was White House Counsel to the Nixon administration during Watergate, and author of the 2004 book, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush. Looking for a chance to passionately talk politics with a friend of the opposite party? Chances are this show could spark it. But whether you're a political enthusiast or just want to see a play involving brainwashing, a futuristic dystopia, sex, violence, and all-in-all a profound examination of what it means to be human, this is the one for you. Check it out!

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