Friday, December 19, 2008

Scrooge Must Die!

Only 10 Shows Left!

Here it is. That dirty something for the holidays. Come check out Actors' Gang retelling of Charles Dickens' classic tale A Christmas Carol. The play tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge—the misanthropic, greedy, f---ing prick. With the current administration on the way out these kind of jerks are all over the place- in politics, in business, in our own families, and even in ourselves. Especially in ourselves. We all have inside of us a little version of Scrooge. If you haven't already busted a liver from holiday partying come bust a gut down at the theatre. And don't bring the little ones. This is not Scrooge McDuck it is more like Scrooge McDick. Check out the video on our youtube channel before you buy your tickets so you cant say we didn't warn you...

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