Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Klüb Wins Best Revival

The 30th Annual LA Weekly Awards were held and Klüb was announced as the Revival Production of the Year (of a 20th or 21st century play). Director Mike Schlitt (hogging the microphone), baldy playwright Mitch Watson, and cast members who attended the event are pictured above accepting the award.

The theme of the ceremony was 1950's. Recent Klüb escapees Madam Verona and Hank the Human Acid Tank are pictured here(photo by Timothy Norris). Madam V is in a dazzling blue dress and Hank the Human Acid Tank is sporting this outfit from his recent audition for I am Cuba: The Remake. Both are following their dreams. For a full listing of winners visit LA Weekly online.

Congratulations you freaks. It was a team effort.

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