Monday, May 19, 2008

Fixing the Lobby!

A project we've been working on for a while now is getting the lights in the lobby to all be on one switch, rather than plugged into a thousand different power strips... both for safety reasons, and because the way we have it set up now is pretty ridiculous. If you've seen a show at the Gang and noticed the lights blinking before the show starts, there is actually a person (often me!) who has climbed behind the counter, manouvered past costumes racks and props, and physically flicks the on/off switch on a power strip.

Susan Obrow from the Culver City Redevelopment Agency has been working tirelessly to get the lobby lighting hard-wired for us. Today she came by with the amazing Danny Barnes, also from Culver City, to look over the bids with Francois-Pierre. Hopefully a winning bid will be chosen soon, and by the next time you see a show here, it will all be completed!

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